Ms. Mary Armstead
Board Member
Mary Armstead serves as President and CEO of Butler Armstead Consulting Solutions, a management consulting firm specializing in Federal Government Contracting and Human Resource Management. Prior to the start up of her company, she held a variety of leadership positions at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), within the Department of Health and Human Services. Highlights of her Federal sector career, spanning more than 30 years, include: programmatic management of NIH’s acquisition and contracting policy operations; strategic direction and oversight of a $40 billion Government-Wide Contracting Program; and leadership of multiple administrative teams responsible for the implementation of an agency-wide information management system.
Mary was recently appointed as an Engagement Coordinator for Trinity Missions. She also serves as Secretary of the Board of Directors of Child Evangelism Fellowship of the Greater Washington, D.C. Metro Area. Serving as a member of this board is a part of her service mission.
She believes that Vocational Technical Education provides students with specific training and practical hands experience in particular fields, offering a practical alternative for those that might not be inclined to take the traditional post-secondary academic path. Through the specialized training offered through Vocational Technical Education, students are well-positioned and equipped for a specific job and/or career in a particular trade or industry.